Understanding Sabong Bet’s Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

At Sabong Bet, safeguarding your privacy is our utmost priority. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, utilize, and protect your information when you interact with our website. Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident and secure while using our services.

Our Commitment to You

Our Commitment to You

We are dedicated to protecting your privacy, securing your data, and providing you with a transparent and reliable experience on Sabong Bet.

Transparency of Data

Transparency of Data

We believe in clarity about our data practices. Here’s an overview of what we collect and how we use it:

Types of Data We Collect:

  • Personal Information: Name, email address, phone number.
  • Usage Data: IP address, browser type, device details, and time spent on our site.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: These tools help us understand your preferences and enhance your experience.

How We Collect This Data:

  • Directly from You: When you create an account, fill out forms, or reach out to us.
  • Automatically: Through your website interactions and the use of cookies.

Why We Collect Your Data:

  • To Provide Our Services: To set up your account, process transactions, and deliver the core features of Sabong Bet.
  • To Improve Our Website: To analyze usage patterns and optimize its user-friendliness.
  • To Communicate with You: To send you account-related information, newsletters, and promotional offers.

We want you to be fully informed about your data. If you have questions about our data collection practices, please feel free to reach out.

Data Security

Data Security

We take extensive measures to safeguard your information. Your data security is a top priority, and we employ robust protocols to protect it from unauthorized access or misuse.

Your Control

Your Control

You have the right to control your data and how we communicate with you. You can request to see your information, make updates, or opt out of specific communications.

Sharing Your Information

Sharing Your Information

We handle your information with care and recognize its sensitivity. Here’s why we maintain your information:

We Respect Your Privacy:

We will never sell your personal data to third parties.

Limited and Necessary Sharing:

To deliver the best Sabong Bet experience, we may share some information with trusted partners who assist with services like website maintenance, payment processing, or analytics. We only share the minimum data necessary and ensure these partners uphold strong privacy standards.

Where Consent Matters:

If we need to share your data beyond our core services, we will always obtain your permission first.

Legal Obligations:

We may need to disclose information to comply with court orders, subpoenas, or to defend against legal claims.

Your Trust Matters

We strive to build a trustworthy relationship with you and take your privacy seriously. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, contact us. We see this as an ongoing partnership.

Age Restriction and Proactive Stance

Age Restriction and Proactive Stance

We have implemented measures to prevent underage users from accessing our services.

Children’s Privacy

Sabong Bet is not intended for children under 13. We do not knowingly collect information from anyone in this age group. Parents and guardians should ensure that children understand the importance of online privacy and refrain from accessing Sabong Bet. If a child under 13 has shared data with us, please contact us immediately.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

Updates to Our Policy

This Privacy Policy may change occasionally to reflect updates in our practices or legal requirements. We’ll prominently notify you on our website or via email if we make significant changes, offering you a chance to review the updated policy.

Data Retention

Data Retention

We strive to minimize the amount of data we keep and retain it only as long as necessary. We’ll periodically review our data retention practices and delete information that is no longer needed for the purposes outlined here. You can also request deletion by contacting us.


At Sabong Bet, we understand that privacy is an ongoing commitment. We will refine our practices and adapt to the changing digital landscape to always prioritize your privacy. Let’s work together to create a safe and enjoyable online experience. For questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.